Mīnusi: In gold rush in Ennis today and a great atmosphere. Friendly and welcoming. Unfortunately, A lady came around and gave each customer a €20 free ticket to play, but the same lady was then overheard in the office talking to the staff member that was working. She had very derogatory comments to make about the customers in the casino, and a particular comment was “they smell like shit”. This is a disgusting way to speak about any customer and I personally thought all customers were respectable and very friendly. If this lady is the owner then I really pity the staff, and the customers that are making her money.
Mūsu vietne izmanto sīkdatnes, lai nodrošinātu, ka mēs piedāvājam jums lielisku pieredzi. Mēs turpināsim domāt, ka esat priecīgs saņemt mūsu sīkfailus, ja vien jūs nenolemjat mainīt savus sīkfailu iestatījumus